Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Bamboo Floors

We are in the planning stages of refurbishing and redesigning our kitchen. My home is a 1922 English Tudor with all original wood floor except for the kitchen. A kitchen renovation was done in the 70' s with a Brady Bunch influence. The geniuses that renovated the kitchen did harm to the original wood floor. I am toying with replacing the floor entirely as trying to have planks milled to match is almost a nightmare. I feel very good about using bamboo in lieu of pine. I also like that the bamboo planks are so long which will lend itself to my kitchen 24 x 24. The blogger in the attached link is using the bamboo planks for a renovation in the UK http://kaybar007.blogspot.com/2008/12/house-of-bamboo.html

Favorite Things from Real Simple Magazine

Well...it's almost the New Year time for reflecting and REORGANIZING. In my fair opinion no one does it better than Real Simple Magazine - - always, a great go to for some inspiration. Reorganizing and some old fashioned pitching and donating is very zen for me. The link below from Real Simple can get you started to http://simplystated.realsimple.com/home/2008/12/a-few-of-my-fav.html

Liz Claiborne CEO Flies Coach

Take note Chrysler, GM and Ford and follow the fashion industry. The Wall Street Journal recently reported that Liz Claiborne, CEO, William L. McComb consistantly flies coach. In addition, McComb rents his own car and drives to his destination. WOW! You think corporate America will take note and we will see a bunch of corporate jets on Ebay? http://online.wsj.com/article/SB123058397854440471.html?mod=todays_us_marketplace

Fashion Editors Ditching Couture Shows Due to Recession

If you follow fashion, you live for the "Couture Shows" in Paris, Milan, Tokyo and New York. I enjoy looking at the footage on Getty Images, various blogs, vlogs and magazines that feature highlights of the shows. In truth, I would love to have a front row seat to any show at Bryant Park. This week several tony retailers in the U.S. gave statements to the press regarding their decision to not attend the Paris shows the end of January. In particular, Neiman Marcus, Bergdorf's and now maybe Saks. Click on the link for more info http://www.wwd.com/media-news/fashion-memopad/the-pursuit-of-happiness-the-couture-pack-or-not-role-model-1905688?src=nl/mornReport/20081230#/article/media-news/fashion-memopad/the-pursuit-of-happiness-the-couture-pack-or-not-role-model-1905688?page=2